Forces and public issues in industry

Part A: A Brawl in Mickey’s Backyard

Read Discussion Case: A Brawl in Mickey’s Backyard, on pages 22–23 of your textbook.

  • Question 1: In a chart, diagram, or paragraph form, identify the primary and secondary (or market and nonmarket) stakeholder groups influencing or influenced by SunCal’s plans to develop a 26-acre site in the resort district. (5 marks)
  • Question 2: Explain why each stakeholder group identified in question 1 is in favour of, or opposed to, SunCal’s plans to build condominiums in the resort district. (15 marks)
  • Question 3: Identify possible solutions to this dispute that might emerge if SunCal was to work collaboratively with its stakeholders to address their concerns. (10 marks)

Part B: The Tobacco Industry

The tobacco industry is constantly in the media. Choose one or more public issue(s) relating to the tobacco industry (banning of smoking in public places, secondary smoke health issues, controls on tobacco advertising and corporate sponsorship, youth or women as a tobacco industry target markets, etc.) Write a 2,500-word, double-spaced report containing the following:

  • Section 1. Context: Introduce the issue(s) you have selected and list primary and secondary stakeholders influencing or influenced by this issue(s). Be specific in naming individuals, groups, associations, and/or government bodies and describe these stakeholders’ roles. (15 marks)
  • Section 2. What does this mean to my family?: Identify your own stakeholder role(s) in relation to the tobacco industry and cigarette smoking in our society. Describe the biases, perspectives, or experiences that may influence your position on this public issue. (10 marks)
    Note: There is no right or wrong perspective, but it is important to recognize your own stakeholder positions and how they influence your perspectives.
  • Section 3. What does this mean to my company?: Imagine yourself as a tobacco industry executive and describe management of the public issue(s) from this perspective. (15 marks)
  • Section 4. What does this mean to my country?: Discuss the role(s) of government in this issue(s) and how it is influencing both the industry and the public. (15 marks)
  • Section 5. Media impact: Describe the media’s role in this issue(s) and the perspective it is presenting to the public. Discuss industry-sponsored media communications, as well as government communications and reporting in the popular press. Cite specific examples, using references. (15 marks)
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