Exam: 406080rr – law enforcement
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Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page
break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.
1. Which of the following events was the most influential in making the FBI a major factor in policing?
A. Passage of the Mann Act
B. The Lindbergh baby kidnapping
C. Passage of the National Motor Vehicle Theft Act
D. The killing of John Dillinger
2. _______ is the right of a justice agency to act in regard to a particular subject matter, territory, or
A. Jurisdiction
B. Community policing
C. Interdiction
D. Jurisprudence
3. The internal affairs unit investigates
A. human resources issues within law enforcement.
B. white-collar crime.
C. corruption within the police force.
D. sexual exploitation.
4. Which of the following agencies is most closely associated with the war on terrorism?
A. U.S. Marshals
B. Secret Service
C. Department of Homeland Security
D. State Bureaus of Investigation
5. The measure of “excessive force” is whether the coercion used
A. exceeds the amount of force used against the police officer by the participant in the conflict.
B. results in injuries that require medical care.
C. is used against a first-time offender.
D. exceeds the amount of force necessary to control participants in a conflict.
6. Which of the following has the world’s largest fingerprint identification system?A. CODIS
B. CompStat
7. As of July 31, 2012, how many foreign terrorist organizations were recognized by the U.S. State
A. 48
B. 61
C. 34
D. 21
8. Breaking up a fight, holding back a crowd at a sporting event, or intervening in a domestic dispute before
it gets violent are examples of which of the following local police duties?
A. Service
B. Order maintenance or peacekeeping
C. Law enforcement
D. Information gathering
9. Under the _______ model of law enforcement, officers employed by the state have essentially the same
enforcement powers as local police and can work cases and enforce the law anywhere within the state.
A. highway patrol
B. state police
C. universal
D. federalized
10. The Department of Homeland Security is vested with all of the following responsibilities except
A. assisting in recovery from terrorist attacks.
B. preventing acts of terrorism.
C. prosecuting acts of terrorism.
D. administering the National Flood Insurance Program.
11. Which of the following is not a reason private security has grown phenomenally since the 1970s?
A. Better control and attention to the problem for businesses
B. Dramatic increase in violent crime in the United States
C. Declining revenues for public policing
D. Fewer constitutional limitations
12. A _______ is an employee of the police department who performs police functions but doesn’t have
arrest powers.
A. public safety officer
B. police cadet
C. probationary officerD. peace officer
13. Name the largest law enforcement training establishment in the United States.
C. Compstat
14. What is the practice of relying on the judgment of police leadership and rank-and-file officers to decide
which laws to enforce?
A. Community policing
B. Uniform compassion
C. Selective enforcement
D. Incident-based coercion
15. By the 1970s, research in criminal justice began to show all of the following findings except which one?
A. Having more police officers using methods made popular under the professional or reform model does not significantly reduce
B. Neighborhood-based policing projects had high success rates because of low costs, administrative efficiency, and high citizen
C. Unattended disorderly behavior in neighborhoods is a signal to more serious criminals that residents do not care what goes on
in their community and that the criminals can move in and operate with impunity.
D. A rapid response to crime does not necessarily lead to more arrests.
16. The idea that police should focus on law enforcement and leave social services and the maintenance of
order to others was fostered by
A. August Vollmer.
B. Robert Peel.
C. ***** *****.
D. Henry Fielding.
17. Which agency is most closely associated with combatting counterfeiting of U.S. currency?
A. Secret Service
D. U.S. Marshals
18. The FBI considers the Animal Liberation Front to be a/an _______ organization.
A. agroterrorist
B. issue-oriented advocacy
C. loosely affiliated extremist
D. special interest terroristEnd of exam
19. The slave codes held slaves responsible for their crimes and other acts that were not crimes if
committed by free persons. Which of the following was not among these restrictions?
A. Enslaved people could not hold meetings.
B. Enslaved people could not carry firearms.
C. Enslaved people could not learn to read and write.
D. Enslaved people could not learn skilled trades.
20. Which of the following is not one of the “three I’s” that are of paramount importance when selecting
police officers?
A. Inquisitiveness
B. Interaction skills
C. Intelligence
D. Integrity
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