Essay of arts | English homework help


PREPARATIONS: Labels & Titles PPT, Introduction, Chapter 1.10, all PPTs and DBs. Also,

MUST in your textbook to write this paper. This chapter examines portrayals of leaders from many cultures and eras. That is the basic framework for your choice of artwork. 

Inappropriate choices will result in a refusal of your essay.

Information about Due-date, submitting assignment and Grading is at the end of this assignment document. 

NO field trip is required for this assignment.

ARTWORK TO ANALYZE: Find another artwork, outside of ch. 4.6, in which a leader is represented in a way or ways described in 4.6. 

Follow the instructions below to choose the artwork to analyze in this essay: 

*Artwork can be chosen from any other chapter in GATEWAYS or sourced elsewhere.   You may choose an artwork from outside the text, but you must be able to provide an image of that artwork and label information.

*Please DO NOT choose a fictitious character.

*Any leader from any time period or culture is eligible.

*The portrayal may have been commissioned by the leader or could even be a critique of the leader (see Formal Analysis Essay example image).

*Artwork chosen must have enough research available to write this essay.

ASSIGNMENT PROMPT: Write an analytical essay that focuses on the one artwork you have chosen that fits the theme of Art of Political Leaders and Rulers. In that essay, analyze your artwork by applying Formal Analysis, Stylistic Analysis and Contextual analyses modes from chapter 1.10. Point for analysis: How does the artist convey the power of the leader? Is that portrayal effective, does it work?

Your final paper should have the following structure. ALL paragraphs required.

A more complete outline of information required in each paragraph follows this list.

Essay should focus on ONE artwork.

Paragraph I: Introduction

Paragraph II: Formal Analysis – label and physical aspects of the artwork.

Paragraph III: Formal Analysis – Elements and Principles

Paragraph IV: Stylistic Analysis (research required, 1 or more in-text citation)

Paragraph V: Contextual Analysis (research required, 1 or more in-text citation)

Paragraph VI: Conclusion




Outline describes the specific information required in each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: Introduction. Name the artwork you have chosen (by title) and identify your purpose for writing this paper. State your general assumptions (initial ideas without research) and thoughts about the content (message/meaning) and effectiveness of this artwork. 

Paragraph 2: Formal Analysis of the overall artwork See Introduction Part 2 PPT and Ch. 1.10 PPT). Give label information (artist’s name, title, date made, materials and measurements), identify the general style, and identify the general subject type followed by a short description of the visual image. Requires of the artwork. Some research IF you do not have full label information. 

Paragraph 3: Formal Analysis of the use of the elements and principles. (Chapter 1.10 Content and Analysis, p.178). Considering the elements and principles of art discussed in Unit 2, and perform a visual analysis of your selected artwork. Discuss the Elements and Principles of Art by using examples from the image for each element and each principle discussed. NAME the element or principle and give the example in one sentence. 

Minimum of 3 elements and 3 principles, and they must be different. Do not do 3 different kinds of Line, for example. Requires of the artwork.

NOTE re time period for STYLISTIC and all CONTEXTUAL modes – 10 year period only.

Start with date artwork was made, and go back 10 years. Do not go past date artwork was made. EXAMPLE: Artwork was made in 1750. Time period is 1740 – 1750. Stop at 1750!

Paragraph 4: Give a Stylistic Analysis as it relates to the style(s) of artwork from the time period in which it was created (see Chapter 1.10 Content and Analysis in the text, p. 180). May also include art movement if the artist and the artwork have that connection. 

Requires research outside the textbook and in-text citation(s).

Describe the general artistic-stylistic context of the time and place when and where the artist made the artwork. Include common art forms, style(s), subjects, and materials used in that time. Include art movement if the artist and artwork are connected to that movement. How does the artwork reflect the Stylistic context? 

Paragraph 5: Next, write a Contextual Analysis to give the reader a sense of the time/culture your selected artwork reflects. Various aspects of context can be considered; for example, religious, historical, and biographical analyses are all types of contextual analysis* (see Chapter 1.10 Content and Analysis in the text, p. 185). Requires research outside the textbook and in-text citation(s).

*Iconographic analysis – may be included as evidence of contextual connections.

Describe the general culture where the artist made the artwork. Give any relevant biographical, local, national or world events that are important part of that environment (context). At the end of this paragraph explain how the artwork fits into this context. If it does not fit, explain why it does not. 

Paragraph 6: Write a Conclusion for your paper. Did you enjoy the artwork visually? Intellectually? Have your initial assumptions stated in paragraph one about the artwork changed through your research? Do you agree or disagree with the information you included in Paragraph V or do you have an entirely different view of the work? End your conclusion with your response to the effectiveness of this artwork.

Bibliography/Works Cited: page after the end of the Essay. Include all cited research sources. Also include any source that you used that provided significant information, even if you did not quote or paraphrase that source. 

IMAGE of focus artwork required with label information, and should add image of any other artworks discussed. MUST have at least 1 image. (Directions for image use will be provided separately. Includes getting image, compressing and placing image in document.)

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