5-6 forestry paper with graphs, due 4.15
5-6 Forestry paper with graphs.
Tutorials link for graphs:
Please read the first file very carefully, the rest of them are tutorials and materials.
Species for the second part of your report
As described in the “Genetics Term Project Instructions 2020 Final.docx”, the second major part of your report involves discussing your results and including a comparison of Garry oak with another species (not all students will have the same species).
The species you will be comparing with your results is Pinus albicaulis (Whitebark pine). Attached is the paper (Bower and Aitken, 2008) from where you should extract all the information that is necessary for your comparisons (e.g. provenance locations, r, clines).
Tables 2 and 4 will give you all the information you need for great comparisons with your Garry oak data, but if you want to go deeper into local adaptation and seed transfer, this paper provides plenty of good info.
Some tips:
– Although both r (correlation coefficient) R2 (coefficient of determination) indicate a certain relationship between two variables, they are not equivalent. r is a measure of linear correlation between two variables and can vary between -1 and 1. R2 is the proportion of variation in the dependent variable that can be explained (predictable) by an independent variable (or variables) and varies between 0 and 1. r can tell you the direction of a relationship. For example, if r between growth and mean annual temperature is negative (e.g., -0.5), then you know that as temperature increases, growth decreases for that species. If you have r for one species and R2 for another and want to see whether the relationship is stronger in one species than in the other, you can square the value of r and compare it with R2 directly.
– Remember to use Climate NA map-based version (check out the tutorial on YouTube).
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