Bus/312 | Management homework help


Review the following conversation:

Marcy:  Dana, can I talk to you for a couple of minutes? We’ve been roommates for two years and I think I have a time management problem. I just don’t get enough done in a day. What do you think?

Dana:  Tell me more. How did you decide that you have a problem?

Marcy:  I never get everything done on my to-do list. The more I get done, the more I end up adding to the list. 

Dana:  What would solving the problem look like to you?

Marcy:  Well, I’d get everything done on my list.

Dana:  Is that realistic?

Marcy:  It’s not, but what else am I going to do?

Dana:  What else can you do that will help? Can you work with an advisor? Use a scheduling program?

This is an example of coaching. Describe the process of coaching and explain why is it important for managers to be effective coaches.

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