Strategic hrd research proposal | Operations Management homework help


Provide an executive summary (including a working title) of your envisioned Strategic HRD Research Proposal that you will complete later in the course. Be sure to address all 5 sections that are required for your final paper.( See attached the reqirement for the final paper  to help guide for topic and executive summary)

Type the executive summary in a Microsoft Word document. Your summary must be in current APA format, double-spaced, and 400–700 words.

Include a reference page and be sure to have in-text citations for the following sources:

· At least 2 citations from Mello (2015).

· At least 1 citation from Hardy (1990).

· At least 2 citations from related scholarly journals (e.g. Human Resource Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management, Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, Christian Scholars Review).

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