Reading summaries #8: butoh & mark morris

Part 1:

“Butoh: Twenty Years Ago We Were Crazy, Dirty, and Mad” by Bonnie Sue SteinPreview the document

From “Moving History/Dancing Cultures: a dance history reader,” Wesleyan University Press, 2001

Please copy this text into the box below, fill out the form, and bring a copy of your response to class.
Date published: 
Subject (Say what the text is about in a very few words): 

Thesis (What is the author’s point, argument or proposal – in one to three sentences?): 

What questions does the text raise for you?

Part 2:

Mark Morris: What the Body Means by Joan AcocellaPreview the document

From the Routledge Dance Studies Reader, 1998

Please copy this text into the box below, fill out the form, and bring a copy of your response to class.

Date published: 
Subject (Say what the text is about in a very few words): 

Thesis (What is the author’s point, argument or proposal – in one to three sentences?): 

What questions does the text raise for you?


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