Nation of islam begins in the 20th c. in response to the struggles of | writing 2 | Baruch College

Approximately 1500 words / 6 double-spaced pages

Your paper should have (at least) these parts

Introduction (outline and briefly describe your paper)

Describe the context that the movement (art/philosophy/religion/literature) is

responding to or coming from

Describe the movement itself

Describe the lasting impact of the movement

You will need to access the library’s resources. Please use at

least two resources from the library. The Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History is what we

use for class. That’s a good resource that you can use. When you cite a resource, put the

reference in parentheses with last name and page number. Eg.: (McNeil, 335). Include a

bibliography at the end of your paper

topic : Nation of Islam begins in the 20th c. in response to the struggles of (mostly) African


Gibson, Dawn-Marie. A History of the Nation of Islam : Race, Islam, and the Quest for Freedom, ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2012.

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