Cosmogony | English homework help

Please research a creation myth that was not presented in class nor dealt with in the textbook. You will not receive any credit for this activity if you post something already covered. You have to either re-tell the story with all details or post a video of it.  If you re-tell the story, make sure to cite the source. After, please answer the following questions.

  1. What religion does the cosmogony belong to?
  2. What messages stem from the creation story for the believers? Think of the order of creation, hierarchies, roles, gods, etc. Remember all the things we have talked about in class
  3. Please categorize the cosmogony according to the categories provided in the book and explain why it falls under that category. The justification is important because sometimes depending on how you justify an answer it could be correct or not. Without justification, you won’t receive credit for this answer.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswering what was askedStudent was able to identify what was required to do and address it correctly

40 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting styleStudent respond to the activity using correct grammar and with no typos

20 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJustificationStudent justify their answer and provided details

40 ptsFull Marks

0 ptsNo Marks
40 pts
Total Points: 100

Total Points: 100

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