Algebra and health writing and assignment

Materials attached for the following:



Financial Concepts and Reports

Download and Complete the Associate Level Material: Financial Concepts and Reports worksheet by matching the financial concepts, reports, and real-world examples.


Post the assessment as an attachment.


150 words

Consult Ch. 1, 2, and the glossary of Health Care Finance for concepts, definitions, and real world examples.  List at least five concepts, their definitions, and real-world examples as explained or provided in the text. 


200 words

What are the four elements of financial management? Why do we need financial and managerial accounting? What are the differences between the two? List references if you use a source other than the text. (200 words)




Materials also attached if needed for the following:


150 words

Polynomials – Explain three rules for exponents listed in your text. Create an expression for your classmates to solve that uses scientific notation and/or at least one of the rules for exponents you have described.



150 words

1.    How is dividing a polynomial by a binomial similar to or different from the long division you learned in elementary school?

2.    Can understanding how to do one kind of division help you with understanding the other kind? What are some examples from real life in which you might use polynomial division?




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