1. the ideal early childhood schedule for preschool children contains
1. The ideal early childhood schedule for preschool children contains which of the following?
A. Integrated activities within a large block of time
B. A 45-minute circle time activity
C. A specific time for each curriculum area such as art, math, and science
D. Frequent changes in activities so children don’t get bored
2. Which of the following may occur when cultural discontinuity exists?
A. Teachers may offer too many treats to the children.
B. Children develop a strong, positive self-image.
C. Teachers may misinterpret children’s behaviors.
D. Children learn language at an incredible rate.
3. Which of the following is a belief that was promoted by Montessori, Piaget, and Malaguzzi?
A. They all believe that it’s important to first teach the child the correct way to use a material before giving the material to the child.
B. They all promote the “plan, do, review” method.
C. They all believe that it’s best if the teacher takes a “hands-off” approach to teaching.
D. They all believe that children learn through play.
4. Shauna is looking for an assessment that will be easy and quick to administer and will allow her to observe a consistent set of indicators. Which assessment might be an appropriate choice for her to use?
A. Analyzed work samples
B. Anecdotal records
C. Running record
D. Time sampling
5. Benjamin plays near other children often mirroring what they’re doing. This would be an example of what type of play?
A. Solitary
B. Cooperative
C. Parallel
D. Onlooker
6. Which of the following teachers most effectively addresses the cultures of the children in her classroom?
A. “After receiving information from the children’s parents, I make sure that materials, food, and activities are representative of the children’s cultures.”
B. “Luckily, all the children in the classroom are the same ethnic background as I am. Therefore, I don’t have to worry about it.”
C. “Someone asked me the other day what the ethnic and racial backgrounds are of the children in my classroom. I told them that I don’t even notice. To me they’re all children.”
D. “I begin the year by having a culture unit. We spend a day on each culture that’s represented in the classroom. That way I know that I have covered this important area.”
7. Using a KWHL chart, the teacher and students will complete the first three columns of information. The last column, which will be completed by each student, is usually titled
A. What I Learned.
B. How I’ll Find Out.
C. What Do I Want to Know.
D. What I Know Already.
8. Which of the following teacher statements is most aligned with developmentally appropriate practice?
A. “I believe that if we want children to be prepared for elementary school, we need to spend our time on academics.”
B. “I want to make sure that children are prepared when they go to elementary school. Therefore, I make sure that we complete worksheets each day and spend time lining up.”
C. “Children are in my program for only half a day, so we don’t have time for play. They can always play at home.”
D. “I believe that it’s important to have a variety of materials at different levels in my classroom to meet the needs of all the children.”
9. Following are four statements made by teachers when discussing transitions. Which reflects the philosophy found in the textbook?
A. “I don’t want to waste children’s time, so I plan activities anytime we’re required to wait.”
B. “Transitions in my classroom just seem to happen. I don’t believe that it’s that important to plan them.”
C. “It’s very important for children to learn to line up because they’ll be lining up in elementary school.”
D. “Children need to learn how to wait patiently. This is an important life skill.”
10. Which of the following statements is true about stress in young children?
A. Children who experience high stress in the early childhood years develop coping skills that results in a higher threshold to stress in later years.
B. Stress isn’t as harmful in very young children because they’re less aware of it.
C. While elevated stress can cause short-term health issues, it has no influence on long-term stress-related disorders.
D. Unresponsive care can cause stress, altering brain development and the biochemistry of the brain in young children.
11. Maria is developing a schedule for her infant classroom (birth to 9 months). Which of the following should she include?
A. A short large-group time
B. A daily group art activity
C. A scheduled group nap time
D. An individualized schedule
12. Which of the following statements is true regarding children living in poverty?
A. Ten percent of children in the United States live in poverty.
B. There’s little long-term impact of poverty on children.
C. You’re more likely to be a child living in poverty if you’re American Indian or African American.
D. Children living in poverty tend to have more sensitive teachers and higher-quality instruction than children who live in households with higher incomes.
13. James has just completed picking up all the blocks by himself. Which statement is an example of encouragement?
A. You’re a good helper.
B. I like the way you picked up the blocks.
C. You did a great job.
D. You picked up every block.
14. Which of the following statements accurately reflects what we know about attachment?
A. Child care can negatively affect children’s attachment to their parents.
B. Children can have attachment problems if they must detach and reattach to several different caregivers.
C. Attachment is primarily something that’s stressed in Western cultures.
D. Children are typically attached to only one person, usually their mother.
15. The book stresses that at least some of the materials in the classroom should be open-ended. Which of the following is the best example of an open-ended material?
A. A computer matching game
B. A puzzle of a person
C. A jar of different sizes and colors of pom-poms
D. A game where you roll a die and count that many squares
16. Which statement most accurately reflects what we know about young children’s friendships?
A. Toddlers aren’t capable of displaying empathy, which is important in developing friendships.
B. Children’s friendships are typically very transitory.
C. It isn’t important for young children to have friends as long as they have positive adult relationships.
D. The quality of children’s early friendships predicts their later success.
17. Which of the following activities most closely fits with the definition of play described in the textbook?
A. The children are divided into small groups, and each child is given finger paint to create a picture.
B. Several children are in the dramatic play area pretending they’re in a restaurant. One child is the waiter, another is the cook, and three children are customers.
C. Children rotate every 15 minutes through learning centers where they choose what activity they would like to participate in.
D. The teacher is leading the group in dramatizing the book Caps for Sale. Some of the children are pretending to be the monkeys, others the trees, and one child is the peddler.
18. Tenille is sitting with a group of preschool children at lunch time. Which of the following is an example of an open-ended question?
A. Do you like apples or oranges better?
B. What are the ways that apples and oranges are alike?
C. What do you say when you want Terrence to pass you the meatloaf?
D. What color are the beets?
19. Which of the following teacher’s statements would reflect the Building Blocks to Inclusion model?
A. “I believe it’s important for children to learn to live in the real world. I think when we make modifications we only cause the child to have more struggles in the future.”
B. “Over the years I’ve developed a list of modifications to make based on the child’s disability. When I find out I’m having a child enter my room with this disability, I immediately enact the list of modifications.”
C. “I think it’s best to first begin with a developmentally appropriate environment. Without this, many children might be struggling when they don’t have specific special needs but rather the environment and activities are inappropriate.”
D. “As soon as I find that a child is entering my classroom that has a diagnosed special need, I plan a special time each day to provide one-on-one assistance to them.”
20. Natalie has read that it’s important to help infants develop self-regulation. Which of the following is the most effective way to do this?
A. Letting babies cry themselves to sleep
B. Immediately responding to a baby’s cries
C. Helping babies learn to delay gratification by making them wait a short time for their food when they’re hungry
D. Providing less-predictable routines so that babies learn to become less dependent of the regulation of others
1. The textbook discusses the effective, appropriate use of walls. Which of the following teachers is demonstrating what the book discussed?
A. “Most of my walls are covered with children’s work. As long as it’s created by children, I have no limits on what can be placed on the wall.”
B. “I carefully choose what to place on the walls. It must meet several criteria including being defendable and authentic.”
C. “In my class, I have a very large calendar, a weather chart, ABCs, number lines, and color charts. This takes up most of the space.”
D. “My walls have several bulletin boards. I surround the board with cute, store-purchased borders. I have colorful learning materials and change the board for each holiday and season.”
2. Which of the following would be the best example of a learning center as defined by the book?
A. A collection of fossils in a locked glass case
B. An area containing a variety of different hands-on activities
C. A comprehensive library of children’s literature
D. A folder containing a matching game
3. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects learning centers for children in first through third grade?
A. By the time children reach first grade, it’s no longer important to have learning centers since children are mainly completing paperwork at their desks.
B. Children at this age are too old for play. Since play is at the basis of learning centers, they’re no longer necessary.
C. Learning centers continue to be a valuable method of learning for first- through third-grade children.
D. The schedule for children in these grades doesn’t allow enough time to integrate learning centers. If they’re set up, they’ll be used only occasionally.
4. Which of the following is an accurate statement about improving air quality?
A. It’s important to ventilate buildings by opening the windows or having a ventilation system.
B. Humidity should be below 40% to reduce mold and increase children’s natural mucus.
C. Since air quality if often worse outdoors than indoors, it’s important to keep the windows closed.
D. Burning candles can help to mask odors and to clean the air.
5. We can assist to keep playgrounds safe through using S.A.F.E, which stands for which of the following?
A. Structured games, adult modeling, fun activities, educational toys
B. Supervision, age appropriate, fall surfacing, equipment maintenance
C. Structured games, adult modeling, fall surfacing, equipment maintenance
D. Supervision, age appropriate, fun activities, educational toys
6. Tessa went to a garage sale to buy materials for her childcare. She needs shelving for storing the children’s toys and children’s chairs, and children’s tables. She can afford to buy only one. Which of the following materials would be best to buy based on the criteria found in the textbook?
A. A light-colored wooden table with adjustable legs
B. Several plastic children’s chairs
C. A low shelf painted a shiny red
D. Adult-size chairs
7. ABC Academy has been invaded by ants. The teachers are discussing what solutions to take. Which teacher’s solution is most compatible with integrated pest management (IPM)?
A. Jeremiah says, “I thought that we had an exterminator on call. Let’s call him and have him spray the whole building. That way we would get them all.”
B. Jessica says, “I’ve got a can of Raid at home. The ants seem to be mainly in the kitchen. I could spray in there.”
C. Suzanne says, “Let’s see if we can see where they’re entering. Maybe we can block where they’re coming in.”
D. Amy says, “The ants don’t seem to be causing any problems. I think we should just leave them.”
8. Which centers would be best to place next to each other?
A. Science and gross motor
B. Dramatic play and blocks
C. Woodworking and math
D. Music and literacy
9. You’re developing your preschool room arrangement. Which would be the most effective way to divide the classroom?
A. Divide the room into different centers using low shelves.
B. Use different colors of rugs to designate different center areas.
C. Keep the classroom open with the shelves placed along the outside walls.
D. Divide the room into different centers using shelves that are five feet high.
10. What color choices would be most appropriate for painting the walls and shelves in a preschool classroom?
A. Red, blues, and yellows
B. Neutral colors such as whites and tans
C. Lime green and neon yellow
D. Pastel blues and pinks
11. Surfaces such as diaper-changing tables need to be
A. washed with commercial soap and hot water once a week.
B. cleaned and sanitized immediately after use.
C. wiped down with disinfectant before being used again.
D. cleaned with bleach at the end of the day.
12. Mother Goose Child Care is remodeling their preschool facility and is on a tight budget. Each of the teachers has a different idea about how to save money on the bathroom. Which of the following responses most closely matches the information found in the textbook?
A. “I think we should just let the children go down the hall and use the elementary bathroom.”
B. “I think we should have a bathroom in the classroom. However, the walls can be partial walls.”
C. “I think it’s important that we preserve our budget and the environment by using bars of soap and cloth washcloths and towels. Children share toys all day long. I don’t see how sharing towels is any different.”
D. “I think that children could wash their hands in the art sink. That way we can supervise them more closely and save money by not having a sink in the bathroom.”
13. Which of the following manipulative materials would be an example of a self-correcting material?
A. Tweezers and pompoms to sort
B. Shaker jars to match by sound
C. A jar of buttons to classify
D. A number-line puzzle
14. Which of the following statements accurately reflects the role of texture in the early childhood environment?
A. It’s important to have flat rather than textured surfaces because they’re easier to clean.
B. Texture contributes little to overall ambiance.
C. Touch is the most planned-for sense in most early childhood environments.
D. Textures can help to control noise and create space definition.
15. High density or crowding can contribute to which of the following?
A. More cooperative play
B. Decreased withdrawal in children
C. Decreased cortisol levels
D. Lower levels of achievement
16. The book stresses the need for natural light. Which of the following statements about natural light is true?
A. Having windows can help to establish a “sense of place.”
B. Natural light has no affect on learning.
C. It’s best if natural light comes from only one direction.
D. Natural light from windows typically increases energy costs.
17. Which would be an important consideration for developing a preschool classroom?
A. Unlike kindergarten children, children at this age don’t participate in long-term projects, so they don’t need storage for longterm work.
B. You won’t need a science or math center since children don’t start these subjects until they’re older.
C. You need a group gathering area.
D. You’re required to have a number of potted trees and flowering plants in relation to the square footage of the center.
18. Suneetha wants to replace her current floor covering with an eco-friendly floor covering that will enhance learning. Which of the following should she choose?
A. Different floor surfaces in different areas
B. Brightly patterned linoleum
C. Brightly colored ABC and number rugs
D. Wall-to-wall carpeting
19. Which of the following comments by childcare providers reflects the desired design outcomes discussed in the textbook?
A. “It’s very important that children not sit on beanbag chairs or pillows as they look at books so that they don’t experience back problems.”
B. “I have eliminated all the soft items in my classroom because they’re difficult to clean and can harbor germs.”
C. “I think it’s important to create a school-like environment rather than one that looks like the children’s home. In this way we
can create a more academic setting.”
D. “I have many soft, comfortable areas in my classroom to create a more homelike environment.”
20. Which of the following statements is true about pesticide exposure and young children?
A. If you buy organic fruits and vegetables and live in an urban area, you don’t need to worry about the children being exposed to pesticides.
B. Pesticide exposure causes both short-term and long-term problems, such as increased risk of cancer and neurodevelopmental impairment.
C. There’s little a classroom teacher can do about pesticide exposure in the classroom.
D. Pesticide exposure can cause short-term health problems such as shortness of breath but doesn’t cause any long-term problems
1. Which of the following statement accurately reflects what we know about facilitating science learning for infants and toddlers?
A. Infants and toddlers are too young to develop science skills, instead, you ;should focus on physical skills.
B. It’s important to have a science circle each week where the teacher demonstrates a science concept to the infants and toddlers.
C. Infant toddler classrooms should have a variety of materials that emphasize such concepts as cause and effect and classification.
D. Infant toddler teachers need to have a fully developed science center that includes such materials as magnets and simple science experiments.
2. To design an effective dramatic play center, which of the following criteria would you follow?
A. Limited props so children are encouraged to use their imagination
B. High ceiling height so that the area doesn’t seem too small
C. Located in the quiet area of the classroom
D. Some safe, loose parts so children can create what they need
3. Which of the following statements concerning infants and music is true?
A. Even before birth, children respond to music.
B. Lullabies are found only in cultures originating in Europe, so they might not be appropriate in all cultural settings.
C. Babies aren’t instinctive music makers; instead, they need to be taught to create and respond to music.
D. It’s best to concentrate on talking to babies rather than singing because language development is so crucial.
4. The sensory center can help children develop skills and knowledge in which of the following domains?
A. Physical, social, and cognitive
B. Physical only
C. Physical and social
D. Physical, social, emotional, and cognitive
5. Which of the following would be an important consideration when supplying musical instruments?
A. Providing durable, quality-sounding instruments even if you only have a few
B. Avoiding home-made instruments since they tend to have low sound quality
C. Providing whistles since these are favorite instruments of children
D. Having an abundance of instruments even if they’re low quality
6. When would you provide a very limited variety of art materials?
A. When children are first introduced to an art media or tool
B. It’s important to always have a rich variety of art materials
C. When the art center is small
D. When children are under the age of four
7. Which of the following teachers is using the computer most effectively?
A. “I believe that my preschool children learn more if they only use hands-on manipulatives. The computer is too likely to just be
a plaything. Therefore, I don’t use the computer for math.”
B. “I use the computer to manipulate figures and place the actual hands-on manipulatives nearby.”
C. “I use the computer primarily for math practice and drill.”
D. “I use the computer so that children can manipulate geometric figures.”
8. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics states that all five math standards are important in the early childhood years. However, they state that an emphasis needs to be placed on which of the following standards?
A. Numbers and operations, algebra, measurement
B. Algebra, geometry, data analysis
C. Algebra, geometry, measurement
D. Numbers and operations, geometry, measurement
9. Which would be the most appropriate way to respond to art work?
A. “I like the way you used the different markers.”
B. “What is your picture?”
C. “You used both thin and thick lines in your drawing.”
D. “You did a great job.”
10. According to the textbook, which of the following statements is true in regard to technology use by young children?
A. Computers can replace many other tools currently in classrooms such as drawing materials.
B. The majority of young children don’t use technology.
C. Computers shouldn’t be used by children under six since they’re detrimental to children’s health.
D. Computers are a tool that can be appropriately or inappropriately used.
11. Superhero and war play concern many teachers. These teachers describe how they manage this type of play. Which is most effective?
A. “I allow this type of only on Fridays. On that day I have extra help to keep an eye on the play.”
B. “I ban the play since it seems to quickly get out of control when this type of play begins.”
C. “I focus on real-life heroes, inviting them to the classroom and providing props.”
D. “I feel that children should be able to play whatever they wish without any adult intervention. Lately the children have been immersed in pirate play, pretending to kill each other with swords.”
12. Which of the following is a true statement in regard to art for children under the age of three?
A. Although children this age can begin to scribble, it’s best to provide only crayons since they’re too young for other art media.
B. It’s important to introduce a different art activity each day so that the children don’t become bored.
C. A major art goal for children under three is exploration of media such as clay, crayons, markers, and paint.
D. Children under three are too young to participate in art since they’re often still mouthing items.
13. Clean up can be a challenge in the block center. Following are strategies used by four different teachers to assist with clean-up. According to information in the textbook, which would be the most effective strategy?
A. “I’m now using boxes rather than shelves in the block center. It’s much quicker to just put the blocks in a box rather than place them on a shelf.”
B. “I reduced the number of blocks in the area. This way it isn’t so overwhelming at clean-up.”
C. “I make clean-up a game. For example, some days we play beat the clock seeing how many blocks we can pick up before a timer rings.”
D. “Children who are in the block area when the bell rings to signal the end of center time are assigned to clean the area. If they don’t have all the blocks put away in a reasonable amount of time, then they aren’t allowed to play there the next day.”
14. Which statement is true regarding the use of the computer for children with special needs?
A. Technology can be a compensatory tool for children with disabilities.
B. It’s better for children with special needs to use hands-on activities rather than computers.
C. Children’s attention spans are reduced when using the computer, so it’s especially important to avoid computers for children who have attention issues.
D. Computers tend to aggravate problems for children with autism, giving them less opportunity to practice communication skills.
15. Which of the following would assist toddlers to learn one-to-one correspondence?
A. Number cards to trace
B. Old calculators
C. Play dough to create letters
D. Pegs and pegboards
16. Vygotsky states that sociodramatic play is ideal for assisting children to develop self-regulation. Why is this true?
A. Children have few rules when participating in dramatic play.
B. Children have little need to plan while participating in sociodramatic play
C. Children practice rule-bound behavior in a motivating situation while participating in dramatic play.
D. Children don’t have to worry about peers, only themselves, when participating in dramatic play.
17. Which of the following teachers is providing the children in her classroom the needed opportunity to develop skills through block building?
A. “I have a center that contains unit blocks and props.”
B. “I also have a small classroom and so have added Legos and other small building blocks to my manipulative center rather than having a separate block center.”
C. “My room is too small for a block center, and the children don’t really like it anyway”
D. “I have a small classroom so I rotate the block and dramatic play center since children develop the same skills in both centers.”
18. The reading center needs to represent a variety of cultures. Which of the following teachers’ responses reflects the philosophy found in your textbook?
A. “I believe that it’s more important to choose high quality books that fit with the theme we’re studying rather than worrying about whether they’re multicultural.”
B. “I provide a variety of multicultural literature as a way of exposing children to their own and to others’ cultures.”
C. “At the beginning of the school year, I ask each of the parents what culture they are. This year all the parents said they’re Caucasian. I guess I don’t need to worry about multicultural literature this year.”
D. “I choose books that represent the cultures that are in my community. We live in a community with many American Indians, so I try to make sure that I have books that represent the American Indian culture.”
19. The reading area needs to be well-stocked with quality books. A well-stocked reading area would contain which of the following?
A. One to two books per child in the classroom
B. Three to four books per child in the classroom
C. Ten books per child in the classroom
D. Five to eight books per child in the classroom
20. Which of the following teachers’ responses illustrates the appropriate use of literature for infants and toddlers?
A. “I believe that infants and toddlers are too young for books. Instead it’s best to focus on oral language.”
B. “I have a variety of books available for the infants in my room. They’re on a high shelf. When the infants want one, they point at it and I get it down for them. That way I can make sure none of the books get damaged.”
C. “I have a low bookshelf in my room that has cloth and board books. The infants can look at the books whenever they wish.”
D. “Each day I have a story time for the infants in my classroom. We try to read at least two books during this time. But, if they get too restless, I stop the story and let them leave the circle.”
1. You’re designing a space for families. Which of the following would be an important step in developing the space?
A. Hire a consultant to design the space.
B. Have the director design the space since she is aware of the resources that exist.
C. Form a group of current teachers and teaching assistants to design the area.
D. Interview families about what they would like to see in the space.
2. Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding afterschool spaces?
A. The same design rules that apply to preschool environments also apply to afterschool programs.
B. If you’re in a shared space, it isn’t possible to develop learning centers.
C. If you must meet in a gym for afterschool care, you can develop centers on the lunch tables.
D. It isn’t necessary to separate quiet and active centers in afterschool programs.
3. What are the signs of burnout in early childhood teachers?
A. Negativity about the job and children
B. Compensating by increasing accomplishments
C. Feeling like you’re adequate but those around you aren’t
D. Increased desire to form close bonds with those at work
4. It’s recommended that indoor physical centers be set up in stations. Which of the following statements about stations is true?
A. Centers should be placed close together so that children can see all their options.
B. Two or three stations are typically sufficient.
C. Most centers will need to have close adult supervision.
D. Centers that children can use independently should be developed around the motor skills categories.
5. Which of the following would meet the criteria discussed in the textbook for a one-portion recipe for kindergarten children?
A. Making cinnamon rolls from scratch
B. Making a loaf of banana bread from a mix
C. Making individual brownies
D. Making individual fruit salads
6. A Reuse Center is one place where teachers might find free materials. Which of the following materials would you be most likely to find at the center?
A. Ten-piece puzzles
B. Multicultural dolls
C. Manufacturer-rejected CDs
D. A balance beam
7. To meet the needs of the family and the children in care in family childcare homes, it’s important to do which of the following?
A. Use all the rooms in the house for the childcare
B. Assure that none of the rooms are used by both the family and also by the childcare
C. Use only the playroom, bathroom, and kitchen for the childcare
D. Clearly designate childcare space and family space
8. Which of the following statements would be true regarding the value of parental involvement?
A. There are no academic or social benefits for children whose families are involved. However, there are values for parents and teachers.
B. Children who have families who are involved have greater school success and achievement in every academic area as well as improved motivation, behavior, and attendance.
C. While involvement by families is very important when children are preschoolers, the need diminishes as children reach elementary school.
D. There are social benefits for children whose families are involved in their schooling but little academic benefit.
9. A child is just beginning your program who has been diagnosed with a sensory integration disorder involving the vestibular system. Which of the following materials might you place in the center to specifically assist the child with this condition?
A. Music to run to
B. Bean bags and a target to throw at
C. A spinning disk or a sit-and-spin
D. A tall ladder to climb on
10. Several teachers are discussing the playground. Which of the following teachers reflects the information found in the textbook?
A. “After all the planning I need to do for circle time and learning centers, it’s a relief to have at least one time of the day that I don’t have to plan for.”
B. “Although I think it’s important to have time outside, the real learning occurs in the classroom.”
C. “I think that outside center time is as important as inside center time, so I make plans for the hour that we’re outside each morning.”
D. “Both the children and I enjoy recess. It gives us all a chance to take a break.”
11. Tanya has reserved both Thursday and Friday from 8:00–5:00 for home visits, but none of the parents have signed up for a visit. She is talking to other teachers about this problem. Which of the following responses most accurately reflects the philosophy found in the textbook?
A. “All you can do is offer the opportunity; if parents don’t want to take advantage of it, there’s nothing you can do.”
B. “I think it works best to just assign a date and time and tell the parents you’ll be at their house then.”
C. “I wonder if it would help to offer some evening hours for home visits.”
D. “I have found that parents are simply too busy to take time out of their schedule for their kids.”
12. Tanya wants to introduce puppetry to the children in her classroom. As far as Tanya knows, the children have had no previous exposure to puppets. Which of the following would be the most effective way to introduce puppetry?
A. Set out a puppet stage and puppets and let the children experiment.
B. Model the use of puppets and have children participate in puppet exercises during a circle time activity.
C. Plan a formal puppet show with each child having a part.
D. Have children begin by making their own box puppets.
13. The book discusses “creating a sense of place.” Amelia, a teacher who lives near Lake Erie, wishes to implement this concept. Which of the following playground structures would help her achieve this goal?
A. A sandbox with shovels and rakes
B. Red, yellow, and blue plastic climbing cubes
C. A wooden playground structure with swings and slides
D. A rowboat for pretend play
14. What would be an appropriate activity for children’s first woodworking attempts?
A. Measuring and sawing a piece of wood into equal parts
B. Building a simple birdhouse
C. Creating a sculpture by sawing the wood and nailing the pieces together.
D. Pounding nails into a piece of wood
15. The National Association for Sport and Physical Education would support which of the following statements?
A. Toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary children all need both structured and unstructured physical activity daily.
B. If children are engaged in structured physical activity, it isn’t necessary to provide opportunities for unstructured physical activity.
C. It isn’t necessary to plan structured physical activities since children get all the activity they need through play.
D. It’s important that preschool and elementary children have both structured and unstructured physical activity daily. However, toddlers need only unstructured activities.
16. You’re designing a family bulletin board. Which of the following teachers most closely represents what you’ve learned?
A. “I post all the required forms on my bulletin board such as the notices that we’ve received from Workman’s Compensation, our license, the Adult and Child Care Food Program information, and our anti-discrimination policy.”
B. “I use my bulletin board to highlight what the children are currently learning and upcoming events. I’m careful to not put too much on the board.”
C. “I design an aesthetic bulletin board containing information such as the school calendar and pictures of the teachers and children in the classroom that I leave up for the school year.”
D. “I place my bulletin board down in the lunchroom. There’s plenty of space there and it’s quiet. If parents really want to read the information, they make the effort to go down there to read it.”
17. You’re going to design an afterschool program. Which of the following would be an important consideration in creating the design of the program?
A. Involve the children in planning the curriculum and room design.
B. Hire a consultant to design the floor plan and activities.
C. Follow a book using a floor plan and activity plan the author has designed.
D. Involve only the afterschool teachers in the planning.
18. Bolinda wants to create an illusion of more space in her program. Which of the following techniques would assist her to do this?
A. Adding mirrors to the environment
B. Using different rugs in different parts of the room
C. Painting the walls a variety of different colors
D. Closing the window shades especially if they are the same color as the walls
19. Which of the following statements made by directors of preschool facilities demonstrate that the staff is valued?
A. “I make decisions for the staff so that their time isn’t wasted.”
B. “Instead of worrying about the work environment, I use the money for staff salaries.”
C. “Some directors continually provide notes or small gifts to show appreciation. However, I believe that when we become adults this is no longer necessary.”
D. “I provide organized, effective storage.”
20. Obesity is an increasing concern in both the United States and other countries. Which of the following statements is true in regard to children who are overweight?
A. Generally, children burn more calories playing outdoors than when they’re playing indoors.
B. Since more children are now overweight, there’s no longer a social stigma to this condition.
C. The percentage of children who are overweight is now decreasing in the two- to five-year-old range.
D. The strongest predictor, other than genetics, to being overweight is the amount and type of food children eat.
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