Art history formal essay | History homework help
Task: You have two options. Please choose the one that you find most compelling.
Option 1: Please compare the activist approaches of David Wojnarowicz and Felix Gonzalez-Torres in response to homophobia and the AIDS/HIV epidemic. To do this, we would like you to choose 1 work from each artist as your main examples.
Option 2: Please summarize the issues confronted and the artistic strategies consequently adopted by 2 American Indian artists from Lecture Guide 8 (Module 11). To do this, we would like you to choose 1 work from each artist as your main examples.
The steps we recommend for success are:
• Take thorough, organized notes of lectures and special topic reading assignments.
• Select the works of art that you will employ as the main examples for your essay. Here, your selection should be made in consideration of which artists/examples will allow you to best show the depth of your knowledge of the subject.
• Write an outline, “map” and/or re-organize and synthesize your notes related to these works as the starting point or guide for writing your Formal Essay.
• Write a thorough, well-organized essay that summarizes the content areas assessed in the rubric for this Formal Essay (see Canvas).
• Your essay should have an introduction that summarizes the socio-historical context artists faced at the time and leads to a thesis that clearly articulates the main issues confronted, social goals sought, artistic approaches employed.
• The body of your essay should thoroughly analyze your chosen examples and relate them to the overall goals of this movement. In other words, this analysis of your examples should support and enrich your thesis statement.
• Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and include a thoughtful reflection on your informed views of the impact artists including their successes as well as shortcomings.
Criteria for Success: You will be successful in this assignment if your essay 1) is well-organized and thoroughly summarizes the main issues, goals, and artistic approaches of LGBTQ or American Indian artists in the United States through a thorough analysis of your chosen examples; 2) provides a thoughtful and informed reflection on their successes and shortcomings; 3) properly cites sources. Excellent work most often differs from adequate work due to levels content inclusion, thorough connection made between students’ specific examples and the overall goals of the movement, and the organization students’ writing.
Format: 4-6 pages (excluding title page and bibliography), double-spaced, 1” margins, 12pt Times New Roman font. Upload to Canvas as a Word .doc or PDF file.
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