System wide epic emr implementation at abc hospital

14 pages

this paper is to discuss the process in implementing the epic emr system at a healthcare hospital

paper should be based on attachment “learning contract”

you can add outside sources but you must cite them

A SMAC should demonstrate the student’s ability to apply the theoretical knowledge from the course to a workplace issue or problem. Your SMAC should be approximately 8-12 pages in length, not including title page, table of contents, or bibliography. Team SMACs will be expected to increase in length according to the number of participants. 

The document must be neat, typed, doubled-spaced and in accordance with an accepted style manual. It should be on 8 1⁄2 “ X 11 “ paper, 1 “margins, and 12 point type. 

At least seven references must be used, the text may be used as one citation. Appropriate references include other texts, professional journals, professional web-sites and newspaper articles. While any number of newspaper or periodical articles may be used, only two may count towards the seven required references.

APA format required. 


Glaser, J. P., & Salzberg, C. (2011). The Strategic Application of Information Technology

In Health Care Organizations. (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons.

Pathol, J. (2016). Implementation of Epic Beaker Clinical Pathology at an academic medical center.

CureMd Practice without boundaries, (2018). Top EHR Software Vendors of 2018/

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology: Health IT Playbook, (2018). Electronic Health Records/

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