3rd article critique original work only


Assignment Instructions:
For this assignment, include the following: 1) cover page, 2) introduction, 3) two main sections (use section headings) including a summary (e.g., background, methods, results) and an article critique (e.g., strengths, limitations), 4) a conclusion (use a section heading), and 5) a references list (separate page).  Attached is an example of how your article critique might look.  Save the attached example to your Learner Toolbox.

Students new to research may be challenged with understanding how to critique an article and what to include in their critique.  To help you understand what information to include, review the attached example, as well as search the internet for other resources that might help you.  This is good practice as you will encounter many topics and activities unfamiliar to you during your graduate program.

This paper should be two pages long.  Review the Grading Rubric to better understand the exact criteria they will be graded on.

NOTE: This Week 3 assignment is your first opportunity to get help from the Graduate Online Writing Studio to improve your writing skills.  We highly encourage you to use this service.


Rakes, G. C., & Dunn, K. E. (2010). The impact of online graduate students’ motivation and self-regulation on academic procrastination. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 9(1), 78-93.

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