Research assignment – global human resource management

You are required to access the globalEDGE™ website (or any other reliable source) to obtain the relevant information needed to answer the questions asked in Exercises 1 and  2. 


You are required to answer both questions in a Word Document as an APA compliant essay. The essay must have an introduction, demonstrate analysis and conclusions. 


Incorporate your course learning in your comments. To simply present a list of countries will not meet the requirement for this assignment.


Exercise 1

The impact of strikes and lockouts on business activities can be substantial. Since your manufacturing company is planning to expand its operations in the Asian markets, you have to identify the countries where strikes and lockouts could introduce interruptions to your operations. Using labor statistics from the International Labour Organization (ILO) to develop your report, identify the three Asian countries with the highest number of strikes and lockouts, as well as the total number of lost worker days. What types of precautions can your company take to prevent interruptions from occurring in these markets?

Resource Name: International Labour Organization (ILO): Labor Statistics Database


globalEDGE Category: Statistical Data Sources 

Additional Info: 

ILOSTAT is a database of labor statistics, providing annual labor market statistics for over 100 indicators and over 200 countries, areas, and territories. It includes data on labor costs, occupational injuries, strikes and lockouts, union activity, and many other labor-related data.


Exercise 2 

You work in the human resources department at the headquarters of a multinational corporation. Your company is about to send a number of managers overseas as expatriates (or expats) to France and New Zealand. You need to create an executive summary evaluating, comparing, and contrasting the possible issues expats may encounter in these two countries. Your manager tells you that a tool called Expat Explorer created by HSBC can assist you in your task.

Resource Name: HSBC Expat Zone


globalEDGE Category: Travel/Living Abroad

Additional Info: 

HSBC’s website dedicated to providing resources to expatriates (expats). The Expat Explorer tool is under the Destinations section and allows users to compare countries based on rankings by real expats. One of the tools under the Expat Explorer allows the user to directly compare two countries based on a large number of criteria important for expatriates.

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