Make sure you do this

Hello Students,  1. For this Forum, you need to read Part V “Dealing with Change Positively” in your textbook.   2. Week 7 focuses on Supervision during Organizational Change. Change happens at a very rapid pace in our modern technological society and it can be very stressful and difficult on companies. Your job, as a supervisor, is to help manage the change and lead your company to a more productive era.   This week’s assignment is:   The Scenario – You have been chosen by your CEO to prepare a brief for your company to explain the new changes that the organization will be experiencing. The CEO chose you because you are known to have your finger on the pulse of the workers. The CEO told you that he has heard numerous rumors of low morale, employees looking for new jobs, possible strikes (your workers are union) and even threatening comments. Your company is Green Transportation, a small local company that takes normal gasoline engine vehicles and transforms them to bio-fuel vehicles. You have transformed buses, garbage trucks, tow trucks, and numerous other vehicles for your community (a town of 100,000 people). Your company has been very successful and is looking to expand your services to a nationwide business and in a few years, to international locations. You can “make up” facts to help your brief, just make sure your work is pertinent to the course material.  By Thursday at 11:55 EST, post your work into the discussion board. A good guideline for your brief is the “Ten Commandments for Implementing Change,” (Conlow, 2001) section of your text. Submit your answer in this Forum by clicking “Post New Thread” above. (Do not enter your answer in the Assignments section of your e-classroom.)     3. Then respond to at least two (2) of your peer’s answers by clicking the “Reply” link. Your replies should be from the perspective of a disgruntled employee who does not think the company will stay in the US. Point out all of the concerns you would have based on their brief (do not use any of the info from the scenario above, assume you only know what is in their brief). [100-200 words per peer response]    Forum Rubrics  Instructions:  Your initial post should be at least 250 words.  Please respond to at least 2 other students.  Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. Initial Post Due:  Thursday, 11:55 p.m., ET Responses Due:  Sunday, 11:55 p.m., ET

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