Global finance and free trade


Essay – Global Finance and Free Trade—Limits and Possibilities   

Considering  the readings, video presentations, and your own research, draft a  quality  6 pg. research paper on the logic, rationale, and effectiveness  of Global Economic Governance in accordance with the following prompts, answering in a separate or integrated manner as you wish.

  • Reasoning with clear ideas and examples, explain at least 3 reasons for the authority and legitimacy of the IMF and World Bank?  According to their defenders, what is their stated role and rationale?  In reverse, mention at least 3 criticisms of these institutions. Is  there a particularly Christian approach to international finance or  micro-finance, or might Christians split left to right on this issue?  Explain. 
  • Reasoning with clear ideas and examples, discuss the pros and cons of the free trade  regime established after WWII. Most Western economists defend free  trade as a religious mantra, believing it a partial remedy for the ills  of inequality between peoples, states, and regions like the North-South  divide for example. Many Christians endorse free trade as one of the  only ways to reconcile capitalism, freedom, and Christian faith.  Providing 3 pros and 3 cons, offer a more balanced view of free trade.
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