Analysis of a research study for psychology class

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Dr. Java is interested in marketing his super-hyper espresso and believes that his coffee will make students perform better on exams. He studied 200 college students who had similar grades. He had his research assistants give half of the students a decaffeinated super-hyper espresso and the other half his caffeinated super-hyper espresso. Participants were not told which beverage they were given, and the research assistants did not know which beverage was in each cup. He gave the entire group the same final exam and found that the caffeine group performed significantly better on the exam. 

Given the above example, in an essay-type short paper, answer the following and identify the following portions of the research study.


1. Identify the following portions of the research study: 

1. hypothesis, 2. independent variable,3. dependent variable, 4. extraneous variables, 5. control group, and 6. experimental group.  

2. Was this a Single Blind Procedure or a Double Blind Procedure? How do you know? 

3. Was this study Experimental Research or Correlational Research?  How do you know? 

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