P1–carson (sea around us) | Anatomy homework help
REMEMBER TO VIEW THE GRADING RUBRIC TO SEE WHAT WILL EARN YOU 100%. If not visible, click on the gear cog and hit view rubric. This rubric will be used with all papers.
Carson Sea Around Us Ch The Changing Year.pdf download
Papers are a chance to take the more “fact” driven textbook and combine it with some real world knowledge in “readable chapters”. For each paper, please read the assigned paper and create a “summary” of the article, chapter, or work. Summaries are a synthesis of the key ideas and reduce the content down to 1.5 to 2 pages, e.g. cliff notes. In other words, get rid of the fluff. It should still be a coherent story, easily read, should not include any evaluation, and should not include any “I” statements. You will be graded on how well written your summary is including grammar and spelling. Note, it should also not include any “in this article, the author”. Write it from the author’s perspective.
The second part is an evaluation of the reading. Here is your chance to critique the reading. What did you like? What did you not like? What confused you? What was too simple? What else should have been or not been included? Who is the target population? Were you interested or bored? Exact questions are not required, but should provide a guide. Typically the evaluation will be about 1/2 a page.
Formatting. Standard font. Size 12. Double spaced. Standard margins. Name and author of the paper should be included.
See the rubric for how the assignment will be graded. Papers are due at the end of the day on the assigned date and are to be turned in through the Assignment’s Dropbox. Document must be a doc, docx, rtf, or pdf (preferred). PDF’s can be created easily in word, by choosing SAVE AS and then change the type to PDF.
Paper MbioPaper MbioCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTyped, 12 font, arial or times new roman, double spaced, standard (1″) margins on all side10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle and author of paper included. Includes your information, including name, date, title of assignment.10 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary…Write a summary of the paper. Summaries are briefs of the initial paper and should be 1.5 to 2 pages. The summary only uses the information in the paper, does not make any opinions, and should not include any “I” statements. It should also be written from the author’s perspective not yours.50 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks50 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation…For the second part, write a 1/2-3/4 page evaluation of the paper.30 ptsFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks30 pts
Total Points: 100PreviousNext
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