Introduction to programming and essentials of psychology only for

I only need these pages  ESSAY ASSIGNMENT page 117  GRADED PROJECT—LESSON 1 page 15


GRADED PROJECT—LESSON 2 page 27    GRADED PROJECT—LESSON 3  page 37  GRADED PROJECT—LESSON 4 page 51  Final Graded Project

Introduction to

Programming pages 1 to 4   Only for the tutor John Mureithi 





Introduction to Programming




Lesson 1 Graded Project G r a d e d P r o j ec t G r a d e d P r o j ec t Project Number: 41882700 This graded project will test your knowledge of what you’ve learned in this course so far. If you’ve read all the material in each assignment and completed the checkpoints, review questions, and assigned exercises in the text, you shouldn’t have any problems successfully completing these tasks. Complete Exercise 6 on page 118 by creating both n Pseudocode n A flowchart Scenario A personal trainer asks you to create a program to calculate and displays client’s body mass index (BMI). Use the information in Exercise 6 on page 118 to create this program by 1. Creating the pseudocode for this program 2. Creating a flowchart for this program Hint: Use Visio or Microsoft Word’s Drawing toolbar. Submitting Your Project Follow this procedure to submit your assignment online: 1. On your computer, save a revised and corrected version of your project. Make sure to include the project number (41882700) to identify the project. 2. Go to and log in. 3. Go to Student portal. 4. Click on Take Exam next to the lesson on which you’re working 5. Enter your e-mail address in the box provided. (Note: This information is required for online submission.) 16 Graded Project 6. Attach your file or files as follows: n Click on the Browse box. n Locate the file you wish to attach. n Double-click on the file. n Click on Upload File. 7. Click on Submit Files. Grading Your instructor will grade your project as follows: n Used the lessons learned in this course to create the pseudocode for this program 25 points n Created the modules for an effective program 25 points n Created a flowchart for this program using lessons learned in this course 25 points n Used the appropriate flowchart shapes to create a flowchart 25 points TOTAL POINTS 100 points



Introduction to Programming




Lesson 2 Graded Project Project Number: 41882800 For this graded project, you’ll complete several tasks to test your knowledge of the material you’ve learned in this course so far. If you’ve read all the material in each assignment and have completed the checkpoints, review questions, and assigned exercises in the text, you shouldn’t have any problems successfully completing these tasks. For this graded project, you’ll generate the following items: n Pseudocode n A flowchart Scenario John Raymond was so pleased with the program you created for his clients that he refers you to his coworker, a nutritionist in the same fitness facility. The nutritionist would like you to create a program that calculates fat grams and calories. Read Programming Exercise 3 on page 279 for the information for your program, then 1. Create the pseudocode for this program. 2. Create a flowchart for this program. Hint: Use Visio or Microsoft Word’s Drawing toolbar. Submitting Your Project Follow this procedure to submit your assignment online: 1. On your computer, save a revised and corrected version of your project. Make sure to include the project number (41882800) to identify the project. 2. Go to and log in. 3. Go to Student portal. 4. Click on Take Exam next to the lesson on which you’re working 27 G r a d e d P r o j ec t G r a d e d P r o j ec t 5. Enter your e-mail address in the box provided. (Note: This information is required for online submission.) 6. Attach your file or files as follows: n Click on the Browse box. n Locate the file you wish to attach. n Double-click on the file. n Click on Upload File. 7. Click on Submit Files. Grading Your instructor will use the following grading guidelines to grade your project: n Used the lessons learned in this course to create the pseudocode for this program 20 points n Created the main module for an effective program 20 points n Created a function for the program 20 points n Used the appropriate flowchart shapes to create a flowchart 20 points n Created a flowchart for this program using lessons learned in this course 20 points TOTAL POINTS 100 points




Introduction to Programming





Lesson 3 Graded Project G r a d e d P r o j ec t G r a d e d P r o j ec t Project Number: 41882900 For this graded project, you’ll complete several tasks to test your knowledge of the material you’ve learned in this course so far. If you’ve read all the material in each assignment and have completed the checkpoints, review questions, and assigned exercises in the text, you shouldn’t have any problems successfully completing these tasks. For this graded project, you’ll work on an application. Scenario You’ve been asked by a science museum to create an application that displays information about planets to visitors. When users select a planet, they should be able to read information about the selected planet. To complete this project, 1. Turn to page 473 of your textbook and read Programming Exercise 4—Astronomy Helper. 2. Create an application with the information given in your textbook. Submitting Your Project Follow this procedure to submit your assignment online: 1. On your computer, save a revised and corrected version of your project. Make sure to include the project number (41882900) to identify the project. 2. Go to and log in. 3. Go to Student portal. 4. Click on Take Exam next to the lesson on which you’re working 5. Enter your e-mail address in the box provided. (Note: This information is required for online submission.) 6. Attach your file or files as follows: n Click on the Browse box. n Locate the file you wish to attach. n Double-click on the file. n Click on Upload File. 7. Click on Submit Files. Grading Your instructor will grade your project as follows: n Used the lessons learned in this course to create the pseudocode for this program 25 points n Created the main module for an effective program 20 points n Used case structure in the program 20 points n Validated the users’ input 15 points n Used the appropriate flowchart shapes to create a flowchart 20 points TOTAL POINTS 100 points


ntroduction to Programming



Project Number: Lesson 4 


41883000 For this graded project, you’ll complete several tasks to test your knowledge of the material you’ve learned in this course so far. If you’ve read all the material in each assignment and have completed the exercises in the text, you shouldn’t have any problems successfully completing the tasks. For this project, create a program with a class named Car. Scenario You’ve been asked to create a program on cars. 1. Turn to page 563 of your textbook and read Programming Exercise 2—Car Class. 2. Create a program with the information given in your textbook on page 563. Submitting Your Project Follow this procedure to submit your assignment online: 1. On your computer, save a revised and corrected version of your project. Make sure to include the project number (41883000) to identify the project. 2. Go to and log in. 3. Go to Student portal. 4. Click on Take Exam next to the lesson on which you’re working 5. Enter your e-mail address in the box provided. (Note: This information is required for online submission.) 6. Attach your file or files as follows: n Click on the Browse box. n Locate the file you wish to attach. 51 G r a d e d P r o j ec t G r a d e d P r o j ec t 52 Graded Project n Double-click on the file. n Click on Upload File. 7. Click on Submit Files. Grading Your instructor will grade your project as follows: n Used the lessons learned in this course to create the pseudocode for this program 25 points n Created the main module for an effective program 25 points n Created the Car class 25 points n Used the appropriate flowchart shapes to create a flowchart 25 points TOTAL POINTS 100 points After you submit Graded Project 4, complete and submit the final graded project.




YOUR ASSIGNMENT This final graded project is divided into two parts. Part 1 Turn to page 223 of your textbook and locate Programming Exercise 2—Calories Burned. Create a program that calculates the number of calories burned while running on a treadmill. An individual running on this particular treadmill burns 3.9 calories per minute. Design a program that uses a loop to display the number of calories burned after running 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 minutes. To complete Part 1, 1. Create a flowchart for this program using the data provided. 2. Create pseudocode for this program using the data provided. Part 2 Turn to page 427 of your textbook and locate Programming Exercise 6—Golf Scores. You’ll create a program for a Golf Club that n Reads each player’s name and golf score as keyboard inputs, and saves these records as golf.dat. n Reads the golf.dat records and displays them. To complete Part 2, 1. Create a flowchart for this program using the data provided. 2. Create pseudocode for this program using the data provided. SUBMITTING YOUR WORK Congratulations! Now that you’ve completed the final graded programming project, you’re ready to apply all you’ve learned about programming to your own projects. All you must do now is inspect your completed project files one last time before you e-mail the files to your instructor for grading. Introduction to Programming 3 Be sure to submit these four files for grading: 1. Part 1: Flowchart 2. Part 1: Pseudocode 3. Part 2: Flowchart 4. Part 2: Pseudocode Follow this procedure to submit your assignment online: 1. On your computer, save a revised and corrected version of your project. Make sure to include the project number (41800600) to identify the project. 2. Go to and log in. 3. Go to Student Portal. 4. Click on Take Exam next to the lesson on which you’re working 5. Enter your e-mail address in the box provided. (Note: This information is required for online submission.) 6. Attach your file or files as follows: n Click on the Browse box. n Locate the file you wish to attach. n Double-click on the file. n Click on Upload File. 7. Click on Submit Files. Your instructor will use these guidelines to grade your project: Part 1 n Created the pseudocode for the program 10 points n Created the main module 10 points n Created the end module 10 points n Created the flowchart for the program 10 points n Created the loop in the flowchart 10 points TOTAL POINTS FOR PART 1 50 points 4 Introduction to Programming Part 2 n Created the pseudocode for the program 10 points n Created the main module 10 points n Created pseudocode to open and display the input file 10 points n Created the flowchart for the program 10 points n Created the flowchart to open and display the input file 10 points TOTAL POINTS FOR PART 2 50 points






Essay Assignment OBJECTIVE To successfully complete this course, you must write an essay based on information found in your textbook Psychology and Your Life by Robert S. Feldman. The great thing about this assignment is there is NO outside research necessary! Choose one of the topics and submit a well-written essay based on that topic. Your essay should be 750 to 1,000 words long. Remember: If you use the exact words of your textbook’s authors, you must use quotation marks and cite the information properly. To learn more about proper formatting of citations for both in-text and a reference page, visit Note: The only source you may use is your textbook. Any use of outside information will result in an automatic post of 1 percent. Topics Conditioning Begin by reviewing Chapter 5 beginning on page 162. Chapter 5 discusses classical conditioning and the experiments of Ivan Pavlov, operant conditioning, and B. F. Skinner’s contributions to the field in particular with his discussion on rewards and punishment. Chapter 5 also discusses cognitive approaches to learning, which include latent learning and observational learning based on Bandura’s experiments. Then, write your essay about one of the following topics: 1. Choose one of these conditioning/learning styles and discuss how it may be applied to child rearing. In essay format, create a plan to help get a young child to clean his/her room. 118 Essay Assignment 2. Conditioning still plays a role in punishment, and the text discusses the pros and cons of punishment and why reinforcement “beats” punishment. Explain the theory behind this phenomenon and give an example of it by how you used it when training an animal. Memory Begin by reviewing Chapter 6 beginning on page 200. Chapter 6 discusses memory, how the brain processes information, and the process involved in forgetting information. In addition, the chapter discusses how we as humans think, reason, and solve problems and the role our brains play in developing language. Then, write your essay about one of the following topics: 1. Discuss the process of memory. In particular, discuss the different types of memory and relate each one to a personal experience. 2. Discuss the different theories on language acquisition. As our country becomes more multicultural, how can these theories aid our children and/or you in learning a second and perhaps a third language? Motivation and Emotion Begin by reviewing Chapter 7, which begins on page 243. Chapter 7 states that humans are born to be motivated to satisfy our needs, discusses why some of us seek out more sensation and thrills more than others, explains why emotions and the need for power rule some of us, and ends with a discussion of the cultural differences on how we as humans express emotions. Then, write your essay about one of the following topics: 1. According to Maslow, our motivation progresses up a pyramid. Discuss his theory and give your opinion on whether or not you agree with it. Give concrete examples (in relation to the hierarchy) to support your opinion. 2. The text discusses three models of emotions. Choose one of those models and describe what you do in the event of a crisis. Provide specific examples. Essay Assignment 119 Process Your essay assignment must include 1. A cover sheet 2. The body of your paper (750–1,000 words) 3. A reference page, if needed The Cover Sheet The first page of your paper will be the cover sheet. Provide the following information: n The title of your chosen topic n Your name and student ID n Current date (e.g, November 1, 2013) n Essentials of Psychology SSC130 n Essay 250724 Developing the Body of Your Paper As stated earlier, you are to choose one of the assigned topics and create a thoughtful, well-written essay of 750 to 1,000 words based solely from the sources provided (i.e., your textbook). If you use the exact words of the textbook’s authors, you are required to use quotation marks and provide proper citations both in the text and on a properly formatted reference page. If you don’t know how to do this, please refer to to learn more about proper formatting of both in-text citations and a reference page. 120 Essay Assignment Formatting Format your paper using a standard font, such as Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced. Set the margins at a standard 1 inch on all sides. Since you’ve given your information on the cover sheet, no header is necessary. The standard style format for citations is American Psychological Association (APA). If you need help with this, refer to Submitting Your Assignment To submit your graded project, follow these steps: 1. Go to 2. Log in to your student portal. 3. Click on Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on. 4. Follow the instructions provided to complete your exam. Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school! Grading Criteria Turn to the appendix that starts on page 173 of this study guide to view the rubric outlining the criteria by which you’ll be graded.


 Please I need a 100% so I do not have to do the end of the test Please Help me out

Thank You

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