Sars vs covid-19 | global health | University of Texas at El Paso

A comparative analysis of SARs vs COVID-19 with a focus on Local-Global Responses to Pandemics 

SARs vs COVID-19: A comparative Analysis of Local-Global Responses to Pandemics (Final Research Paper) item optionsHide Details

Your final paper is a comparative study of global and local responses to the SARS epidemic that started in China in the early 2000s and the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic and their social, cultural, economic and political impact.

Required readings:

  • SARs in China by Watson and Kleinman
  • COVID-19 scholarly articles (see some suggestions inside the folder as part of your Module 7. I’ve sent an announcement about this earlier in the semester)). You will need FIVE  scholarly/authoritative sources beside the required reading on SARs in China.

There is no reading guide for this module, but your analysis must engage with any of the key concepts covered throughout the semester, in particular: structural violence (this is covered also in several chapters in the book SARs in China), vertical funding and vertical power, ethnomedicine. Make sure to cite ALL your sources. 

Sources other than scholarly ones are acceptable but can only count as “extra”, therefore do not count toward your minimum required number of sources. If in doubt, I strongly encourage you to check with me!

Paper length: 6-8 pages (not counting the cover page or references)

Format: double-spaced, 12 font size Times New Roman, 1 inch margins throughout

Language: English or Spanish

Required Paper Parts: you will need to use the Final Paper Template attached to Week 7 Module.

Deadline: Friday, May 1st by 11:59pm. After that deduction applies, as per course policy.

Submission format: Submit via Blackboard in either “.docx” OR “.pdf” format. 

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