Coun 515 quiz 1 (2019)
1.) The Nuremberg code came about because of Stanley Milgram’s study. T or F?
2.) A statistical relationship where a decrease in one variable is related to an increase in another is called a(an)
3.) Samples where the probability of being selected is not zero are _________.
4.) All of the following are probability samples except ___________.
5.) Empirically Supported treatments (EST’s) are considered the “gold standard because ___________.
6.) According to informed consent, confidentiality will always be kept.
7.) Higher order thinking (HOT) skills in order include __________.
8.) The following are examples of scientist practitioners except_______.
9.) A hypothesis should be based on opinion
10.) The following terms may be more associated with quantitative research than qualitative research than qualitative:
11.) ‘μ’ (pronounced “Mu”) M represents the symbol for “The multiplication of:
12.) The Boulder Model was built upon a foundation of Rogerian counseling theory.
13.) Correlational studies identify the degree to which one variable causes a change in another.
14.) Qualitative research tends to be less structured than quantitative research.
15.) Based on Jackson, figure 5.7 above of a standard normal distribution, what percentage of the population would score above someone who scores two standard deviations above the mean?
16.). Research questions are ____________.
17.). The correlation coefficient, which measures reliability, is considered a “strong” relationship between the values of ______ and ______.
18.). All of the following are examples of qualitative design except __________.
19.) Correlational studies are looking for ___________.
20.) Validity refers to ____________.
21.) ‘μ’ (pronounced “Mu”) represents the symbol for population mean.
22.) A correlation may be considered weak if the correlation coefficient falls between the values of __________.
23.) Research is the same as general inquiry
24.) A reliability coefficient determined by assessing the degree of relationship between scores on the same test administered on two different occasions is called __________.
25.). The sampling technique often seen in psychological research is convenience sampling.
26.) In the class video on John Gottman’s Love-Lab, the device that measures fidgeting was called:____________.
27.). Making observations of the behavior of human beings or animals is known as:
28.). Which of the following is an example of naturalistic observation:
29.). Factors that usually lead to students becoming scientist practitioners include _________.
30.). Based on Jackson, figure 5.7 above of a standard normal distribution, what percentage of the population falls within one standard deviation of the mean?
31.) In a double-blind research study the _____________.
32.) Scientist practitioners use their research to inform their practice.
COUN 515 Quiz 1
COUN 515 Quiz 2
COUN 515 Quiz 3
COUN 515 Final Exam
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