Looking for thesis statement, outline and essay – eng102

Fiction Essay Instructions

You must complete the required textbook readings in preparation for the Fiction Essay. This will equip you to objectively respond to the readings by compiling information from a variety of sources in order to compose a persuasive analysis of a literary work. You will also learn to follow standard usage in English grammar and sentence structure; identify the theme and structure of each literary selection as well as the significant characteristics or elements of each genre studied; and evaluate the literary merit of a work (Syllabus MLOs: A, B, C, D, F, G and Module/Week 3 LOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

In Module/Week 3, you will write a 750-word (approximately 3 pages) essay that compares and contrasts 2 stories from the Fiction Unit. Before you begin writing the essay, carefully read the below guidelines for developing your paper topic and review the Fiction Essay Grading Rubric to see how your submission will be graded. Gather all of your information, plan the direction of your essay, and organize your ideas by developing a 1-page thesis statement and outline for your essay. Format the thesis statement and the outline in a single Microsoft Word document using current MLA, APA, or Turabian style (whichever corresponds to your degree program); check your Perrine’s Literature textbook, the Harbrace Essentials Handbook and/or its companion website, MindTap, to ensure correct citation format is used.

Your Fiction Essay must include a title page, a thesis/outline page, and the essay itself, followed by a works cited/references/bibliography page listing any primary and/or secondary texts cited in your essay.

You must submit your thesis and outline by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 2 for instructor feedback.

Submit your Fiction Essay by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 3  

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